Should I See a Doctor After a Car Accident in North Carolina?

Female driver injured at car accident.

There’s a lot to worry about after a collision. Getting medical attention should be at the top of your list, though. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible after a car accident is essential for your health and legal right to compensation. Many insurance companies will require that you see a doctor within 72 hours of the crash. Not getting medical attention could cause them to deny your claim for compensation.

An experienced Durham car accident lawyer can help you pursue medical treatment and financial recovery for your injuries. Contact Kreger Brodish LLP today for a free initial case evaluation.

Will It Hurt My Case to Put Off Seeing a Doctor After a Car Accident?

One of the most important reasons for being evaluated by a medical professional after a collision is your safety. Even if you don’t think you’ve been harmed, there may be injuries that aren’t obvious, such as internal bleeding or organ damage. A doctor can find these injuries, begin treatment, and get you on the path to recovery.

However, not seeing a doctor after being in a car accident doesn’t just affect your health. It can also hurt your personal injury claim. Insurance companies will try their best to minimize or deny your claim. They may argue that your injuries didn’t come from the accident. When you see a doctor soon after a crash, they can document your injuries in connection with the car accident.

A visit to the doctor and the following treatment also create documentation of your injuries and the value of your claim. This is valuable evidence that can be used to strengthen your case and help you seek maximum compensation.

You should get medical attention no matter what. But you should especially reach out to your doctor if you’re feeling dizziness, numbness, pain, or other symptoms. Some injuries may take some time to appear. Watch for any signs in the weeks after your accident. Putting off your treatment can only cause serious risks to your health and your ability to collect compensation down the road.

What Type of Doctors Should I See After a Car Accident?

The type of doctor you need to see will depend on the injuries you’ve suffered. If your injuries are severe, you may be taken to the emergency room for treatment after the accident. From there, they can determine if you need further treatment.

If you aren’t taken to the hospital, you should see your general practitioner as soon as possible. They can evaluate your injuries and refer you to any needed specialists. You may need further testing, such as imaging, blood work, and other diagnostics. This can help them get an idea of the full extent of your injuries and what the best treatment plan looks like for you.

You may also want to see a physical therapist or chiropractor for further care. Just be sure to follow through with the suggested treatments from your medical professionals. This is in your best interest for your healing and shows that you’re serious about your recovery.

What Are My Options for Paying for Medical Treatment?

If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you have the legal right to seek compensation from the at-fault party. But the process can take time. You have a few options for paying for your medical treatment in the meantime, including the following:

  • Your car insurance — Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to have a certain amount of your medical expenses covered by your car insurance plan.
  • Your health insurance — You can also use your health insurance plan to cover some of your treatment. However, you may have to pay the health insurance company back once you receive your compensation.
  • Pay out-of-pocket — While you shouldn’t be responsible for your expenses, you may be able to negotiate a payment plan or a hold on your medical bills until you recover your losses.

A compassionate car accident lawyer can help you figure out the best way for you to cover your medical expenses while waiting for financial recovery.

How Can Kreger Brodish LLP Help After a North Carolina Car Accident?

The bills for medical treatment stack up quickly. This is made worse if you aren’t able to work because of your injuries. While you’re dealing with all of this, it can make pursuing a personal injury claim feel impossible. That’s where a skilled lawyer can make a difference.

The car accident attorneys at Kreger Brodish LLP can help you with the following:

  • Investigating the cause of the accident
  • Determining the at-fault parties
  • Gathering evidence
  • Calculating your losses
  • Communicating with the insurance companies
  • Negotiating a settlement
  • Taking your case to court, if needed

Reach out to us as soon as possible after a collision, so we can get started on your claim right away.

Contact an Experienced North Carolina Car Accident Lawyer Today

After a car accident, your priority should be healing from your injuries. Let a car accident attorney handle the rest. The legal team at Kreger Brodish LLP is ready to help you through your physical and financial recovery. Call or contact us online today to learn more with a free consultation.