Category: Blog

A North Carolina community is grieving the loss of an 18-year-old college student killed in a car crash in Lee County. According to news reports, William Patterson, known by his friends as “Willie P.,” died from injuries he suffered in…

Today’s free form is a HIPAA Medical Authorization that our Personal Injury Attorneys have clients sign in order to obtain our clients’ medical records. We have drafted this form to have all of the information that the most common North…

In our day to day law practice we often find a need for the use of a power of attorney. Sometimes we need to sign something on behalf of a client, and sometimes the client needs someone to sign on…

The following information is a step-by-step guide to help you obtain a free police report from the City and County of Durham. There are four options for acquiring a police report: By Phone, By Fax, By Mail, and In-Person. Please…

Today our free form is a release of liability. If for some reason you find yourself at fault for damaging someone else’s property or for causing someone else’s injury, then before you pay for any property damage and/or injuries you…

From time to time we get phone calls and emails from clients asking for documents or forms that do no pertain to our primary practice areas (personal injury, etc.). One of those forms that we are often asked for is…

Far gone are the days of trekking up to Vermont to ski for the weekend. As a New Jersey transplant to the Triangle Area, I’ve found some awesome ski areas that are worth taking a day trip to or even…