Whiplash Injury Lawyers in North Carolina

whiplash injury lawyer

Whiplash is a common neck strain injury, particularly common in car crashes. While some cases are relatively mild, many people experience long-term complications that detract from their quality of life. If a negligent driver in North Carolina caused an accident that left you with whiplash, you have the right to hold them accountable for your losses with the help of a whiplash lawyer.

The North Carolina attorneys of Kreger Brodish, LLP, are ready to discuss your legal options and help you pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. We want you to settle for more – more attention from your attorneys, more personalized legal strategies, and more than you would expect from a law firm.

Since 2010, our firm has fought negligent drivers and their insurers on behalf of injured people like you, recovering the money they needed to move on with their lives. Contact our Durham, Greensboro, and Raleigh offices today for a complimentary consultation and learn how we can help with your case.

Symptoms of a Whiplash Injury

Whiplash is often an invisible injury. While sometimes its symptoms are immediately noticeable, in other cases, they don’t appear until hours or days after a car accident.

Some whiplash symptoms include:

  • Pain and aching – Whiplash patients often feel neck, shoulder, arm, and upper back pain. Some people experience headaches that start close to the neck, making it harder for them to sleep.
  • Lost range of motion – After a whiplash injury, your neck might feel stiffer than usual. You might experience pain when moving your head from side to side.
  • Neurological symptoms – You might feel dizzy or tired, and it could be more challenging to concentrate and remember things at home or work.

Long-Term Consequences of a Whiplash Injury

Some whiplash patients experience long-term effects, such as:

  • Chronic neck, shoulder, back, and jaw pain
  • Chronic headaches
  • Tinnitus (ringing ears)
  • Tingling or numbness in the limbs
  • Vision problems
  • Insomnia
  • Weaker concentration and memory

The earlier someone begins treatment, the less likely they are to develop long-term effects.